Worship services is from 10:00am to around 11:15am in the CAJ auditorium.
For anyone not able to attend worship service in-person, there will be a live Zoom broadcast at the same time as the worship service (10:00 to 11:15 am) every Sunday.
日本語: ミーティングID: 635 710 3155 Passcode: 1yVBGP
English: Meeting ID: 453 112 2938 Passcode: fellowship
Nursery, a program for children ages 5-11 (kindergarten through 5th grade), and a program for youth (middle and high school students) are offered during the worship service.
ナーサリーの他、5-11歳のお子様向けのプログラム (幼稚園から五年生程度) 、中高生のためのプログラムも礼拝中に行っています。
Sunday Worship Service Order 日曜礼拝のプログラム